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Sy​​stems Analyses and Integration ​(SA&I) develops innovative solutions to a wide range of complex challen​ges. Its unique mix of mission analysis, requirements management, integration, decision analysis, and roadmapping expertise ensures: 
  • Customer ne​​​eds are understood and project requirements are identified and validated throughout the project life cycle
  • Viable solutions are developed and integrated to satisfy expectations
  • Potential impacts of technical​​ and program risk are minimized
SA&I delivers independent, objective results to ensure a syste​m-wide perspective is considered for use in establishing budgets, planning and executing projects, and increasing the probability of project success.

Core Functions ​
​SA&I has decades of combined experience applying systems principles in the DOE, DOD, NASA, and private sector. The seven core SA&I functions applied at the INL provide the​​​ structured approach and technical analyses necessary to ensure the systematic, risk-informed management of R&D, programmatic, and operations activities.
The seven core fucntions are:    
    1. Mission Analysis & Planning
    2. Requirements Management 
    3. Risk Management ​
    4. Alternatives Analysis & Trade Studies  
    5. Technology Readiness Assessment & Roadmapping​   
    6. Systems Integration 
    7. Verification & Validation ​​​

​The application of SA&I functions offers several benefits for INL projects, R&D activities, and operations, such as:        
  • ​​Clear understanding of customer challenges and requirements 
  • Analysis and down-selection of preferred solution(s)
  • Improved integration and collaboration
  • Focused R&D toward technology maturity
  • Basis for defensible, risk-informed decisions
  • A higher probability of overall project sucess

For more informaton, contact James.Case@inl.gov​.